The technologies we use are WordPress, JupyterLite, H5P, and Google Forms.
WordPress is “the world’s most popular website builder,” it is also very user-friendly and can be used to create websites very quickly through its vast template library. WordPress allows us to create an easily accessible website in a format that most people are familiar with.
JuptyerLite is a Jupyter console window created using WebAssembly (J., n. d.). This is a unique feature because it allows us to embed terminals so that our students can test out their code directly on our website. This adds another level of interactivity. Allowing students to use the terminal creates what Bates calls a “combination of media and technologies ensure high-quality interactivity” (2019) in this case, the students are able to receive immediate feedback through the error messages given by the terminal.
H5P is a tool that creates HTML5 embeds, these allows us to “create rich and interactive web experiences” (5HP, n.d.). Specifically, we use 5HP to create embedded quizzes that allow our learners to check their understanding of the concepts they are learning as they are in the middle of a lesson.
Google Forms is a tool to quickly “create and analyze surveys” (Google, 2023). In our Interactive Learning Resource, we used Google Forms to conduct assessments of our students learning, both formative and summative. We decided to use Google Forms as it is easy to use and allows us to provide immediate feedback to our learners.
Bates, A. (2019, October 10). 9.6 Interaction. Pressbooks.
Google. (2023). What can you do with Forms? – Google Workspace Learning Center. Google Workspace.
H5P. (n.d.-b).
J. (n.d.). GitHub – jupyterlite/demo: JupyterLite demo deployed to GitHub Pages 🚀. GitHub. (n.d.). Build a Site, Sell Your Stuff, Start a Blog & More.